There will come in your life days of great sweetness, and days of bitter sorrow. There will be celebrations, and there will be tears. There will be triumphs, and there will be tragedies. Life holds indescribable happiness in store for you both - and unavoidable pain, as well. And so to symbolize your acceptance of this reality, today you will share the bitter and the sweet, just as you will share them in the years to come.
BRIDE/GROOM and BRIDE/GROOM, take and eat this bitter, dark chocolate. Taste in it the dark days, which will rock your marriage and test its strength. It represents disappointment, illness, and grief. Know that these hard times will come, and with them, the opportunity to deepen your bond as husband/wife and husband/wife.
Now, take a drink of the sweet red wine.
Taste in it the sweetness and light that will fill your marriage with joy. Savor the fruits of this wine, just as you will savor every moment of happiness. It represents shared laughter, your child's first steps, and your golden anniversary. Delight in it, as you will delight in your husband/wife, your husband/wife.