Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

I Love the Shiny and the Pretty Stuff!

by on Jul 13, 2016 Categories: ana cruz event planning, bling, jewelery, silver, diamonds, bride, wedding (12106 Views) 0 comments

silver diamond bridal ear rings

Hello!! I am working on both Weddings and Corporate events and am grateful to be busy and love what I do. Speaking of things I love, I have to tell you about one of my favorite places to take clients. If you are a lover of all things shiny and gorgeous then you must not walk, but RUN to Twinkle Twinkle at 40 Miracle Mile in Coral Gables and visit Alicia Balmelli.

For those of you who do not know me personally, I NEVER recommend a vendor unless they are great and there is NEVER anything in it for me. I do not accept commission from any vendors. With that said, I will tell you why I think Twinkle Twinkle is such an amazing shop. First, Alicia, the owner, has amazing taste. She knows exactly what to order and what Brides want. When I take my clients to visit vendors, I make sure Twinkle Twinkle is my last stop because once they walk in, it is difficult to get them out. From the minute you step foot into the shop, you are in sensory overload. If you're lucky, you will be greeted by the Twinkle Twinkle mascot, Josh. You will need to go in and meet him as words cannot describe him properly. Take your time and peruse the beautifully lit glass cases. Not only does Alicia pick out great high-end costume and silver jewelry but she has a gorgeous collection of handbags, cake accessories, gifts for the groomsmen, and more. I could go on for days!

It is important to look at yourself wearing these fab items in what I call the "mirror of death." This mirror is located at the rear of the store and has the power to compel you to buy everything you see yourself wearing. Hence, the mirror of death (to your bank account). Do not worry the jewelry is not as expensive as it looks. It is a great place to shop for quality accessories without really killing your bank account. The service is phenomenal and every client gets the star treatment but the paparazzi are not allowed in the shop. Photos are prohibited in the kingdom of Twinkle Twinkle but the shiny and pretty stuff are abundant.

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